Present in-person to sophisticated, high net worth audiences in London, Zurich, Geneva, Milan, and Dubai.
Our year long program includes a suite of virtual webinars to CG’s network, in-person presentation to Family Offices, and one-on-one video interviews with your CEO to introduce your story to IDG influential members. Keep your story front and center with engaging video announcements, updates, and important news as you meet key milestones giving these new audiences access to your opportunities and captivating news updates. This exclusive platform serves as a collective hub to stay informed about dynamic ventures like yours.
Present in-person to sophisticated, high net worth audiences in London, Zurich, Geneva, Milan, and Dubai.
Introduce your company and growth plans to CG’s Alternative Capital Channel with virtual pitches.
Put your CEO in the spotlight with our Video Interviews shared with IDG’s network throughout the year.
Deliver news and updates to CG’s Alternative Capital Channel as you achieve key milestones.
Receive timely sector-specific analyst reports and monthly macro outlooks direct from CG.
Get on the radar of leading family offices with video distribution of your company’s presentation.
Attend the highly anticipated conference in Boston, MA for world-class education and networking.
Tap into IDG’s highly engaged community with newsletter features, social media and blog posts.